Semple Bixel Associates, Inc. is a fundraising management consulting firm to gift supported institutions. Since 1976, we have served nonprofit organizations throughout the northeast United States – mentoring and guiding them towards success in the increasingly competitive arena of philanthropic fundraising.

St. Elizabeth
Wayne Memorial Hospital
Mt. St. Mary - Angels of Victory Field - Aerial Version - home-fade
University Fundraising Consultants
Health/Social Services
Health and Social Services Fundraising
Church and Religous Group Fundraising

“Semple Bixel took a sincere interest in our mission and truly became members of our fundraising team. They provided fresh perspectives on every aspect of our fundraising efforts from fundamental communication strategies to the subtleties of donor relationships. Their depth of knowledge of best practices that are relevant in today’s highly competitive environment has catapulted our organization forward. I can honestly say that I use what I learned from Semple Bixel on a daily basis. The long-term benefits of our time spent working with them are immeasurable.”

David Feinhals, Executive Director
NJ Foundation for the Blind, Denville, NJ